The Most High God
The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac & The God of Jacob

We believe in the God of The Holy Bible, who's name in the ancient Hebrew is YAHAWAH. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He and He ALONE is the Power we serve. 

The Messiah
The Christ, The Only Begotten, etc.

We believe that time begins when The Most High YAHWAH created His prized possesion His ONLY Begotten Son YAHAWASHI, who has came to be known as Jesus Christ. Yahawashi was then empowered by the Father to create, so through Yahawashi were all OTHER creations created. 

We believe Yahawashi was sacrificed for His people The Nation of Israel. Through the sacrifice of Yahawashi by YAHAWAH the nation of Israel is forgiven. He is our path to salvation in these last days and the heir apparent to the throne of his ancestor David The King of the Nation of Israel.